Friday, November 4, 2011

Next Week

Project hopefuls:

wouTV: AJAX, captions, performance
ISE: tech specs and purchase?
COE: filters, add-to-google calendar, notify campus
Security updates, filters
Finish some overdue evals :(
Whatever else comes up ...

Current Events, Nov 2011

Boy, it's been a busy Fall!

We have spent a great deal of time on setting up redundant webservers behind a load balancer.
VDI got rolled into production on the new blade servers.
We are beginning of migration from Solaris to RHEL.
10G in the data center!
Windows 7 has become the new standard.
Steve died.
NAC will probably be replaced by ISE, as soon as we figure out the technical details of 802.1x and COA.
wouTV is getting a facelift and some new features (including captions!)
And about a million other projects :)