Friday, February 22, 2013

Trainings this week

I went to two good trainings this week.  One was a work-life balance training (that I missed some of), but the other was Maura Cullen.

You can get a sneak peak at the URL above, but the presentation was fantastic.  I wasn't totally comfortable the whole time, but honestly I think that's healthy.  Her topics of diversity and inclusion were timely and help those of us who work directly with students (or train/manage those who do).

Gen Y -- coming into the workplace.  It's a challenge, and I don't agree with all of the strategies out there.  Modifying how we do business to better integrate them seems weird.  But in 20 years they'll all be in charge and will make the changes for us.  I've never felt "behind" before, but I guess I am.  No facebook.  No twitter.  I like email.  I lose texts.  I don't leave my GPS on 24/7 on my smartphone.  I'm not the mayor of anyplace ... except maybe my office.

Thanks Maura.  It was a great presentation.

Hadoop! 8-node cluster

I've been following this blog:

I'm using Mac Mini's to build a Hadoop cluster.  Big Data, and all that.

After successfully figuring out how to image the Ubuntu Server install from one mac mini to many, I've got a 9-node cluster running tip-top.

The WordCount example algorithm is running at ~22 minutes to parse a 20GB file.  It's a nearly linear progression from a 2 and 4-node cluster.

The recent breakthrough with the multi-node (more than 2 node) cluster is that each /etc/hosts file needs to have ALL the nodes in it... not just the master and itself.

Once I did that, the instructions work and life is grand :)
Thanks to Michael Noll for putting this together AND maintaining it for those of us making the first inroads to Hadoop and Big Data.

I'm off to build an 81-node cluster, and start pushing some real data through it.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Cisco Security updates

It's been an eventful few weeks on the Cisco security end of things.

First, we resolved an issue with our new BotNet Filter, allowing us to shun traffic from known "bad"sources.

Second, I implemented some new IPS policies that allow us to track new types of information.  I'm still working on correlating them together ...  I might actually try using the BlackStratus appliance for that--

Third, our FW had a delay in it that we've been working through and my TAC engineer was able to duplicate it in his lab environment.  I should hear back next week about a solution to this annoying little problem :)

I'm also expecting a visit from Gary Halleen in the next few weeks to continue a conversation about our failed ISE installation - and the new 1.2 features.
While he's here we're also going to talk about VACL capture - in an effort to limit the traffic sent to our IPS.

Portal channel: Print Credits

This week we finished building and testing the new Print Credits portal channel.

We had initially designed this some time ago, but never finished it.

ASWOU asked for something nearly identical, so we finished and polished the app and showed it to them.  They were thrilled and had some other good ideas --

The channel should be release in the next few weeks, at the request of ASWOU