Friday, January 13, 2012

Project Management

And we welcome in the New Year --

This has been an incredible year so far (and it's only been a week!!!)

I'm making a change in 2012, and have started working out very regularly this month.  Yesterday I ran 2 miles without stopping.  For you runners, I know that you're giggling on the inside because that's no great feat.  But for a guy who counts a walk to the mailbox as his "weekly exercise" and loves burgers, fries and Mt. Dew - it's a big deal.
I've even started looking at doing a 10K this Fall (after I've gone more than a week).

In other news, I will be focusing very hard next week on Project Management.  I need to meet with each member of my team to figure out which projects they are still working on, the status of each - and others that have been assigned to them.
Coordinating with Bruce, I'll then assign a few more and attach a schedule to the whole process so that we have a clear picture of what's going on.

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